Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Call for greeters

Greeters Needed!!
Friends, we need volunteers to act as greeters prior to Meeting on the following Sundays:
  • May 25
  • June 1
  • June 8
  • June 15
Please contact the Hospitality Coordinator (Mary G.) if you can help. Thanks!

Minutes from Monthly Meeting for Business, 5th month

  1. The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Eleven Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the fifth month and Friends reflected on how our daily activities affect our openness to the spirit and how we can encourage others to reach their full potential talents.
  2. Treasurer’s report: Income for the fourth month was $1215 and expenses were $1762. Donations of $172 to the Food Pantry were forwarded to them. Income continues to lag behind the amount needed to meet monthly expenses.
  3. Ministry and Oversight committee report: The committee has considered the request for transfer of membership for one member from Clear Creek Monthly Meeting to Amesbury Friends Meeting, and recommends accepting this request. Meeting approved this transfer. A memorial minute for Cecile Holvik was read and approved as written. M&O also continues to reflect on the transition time after worship as well as guidelines for greeters and what is appropriate to put out on the Wymondham room table.
  4. Website: Todd Vandenbark reported that a draft website for the Meeting is ready. He needs input on what the Meeting wants to do with this. Considerations include where we want to host this?, do we want to buy a domain name?, do we want to set up a blog?, should the site design be kept simple for easier access by the blind?, privacy issues? Meeting approved having Todd register a domain name once the website is complete. This will cost $10/year.
  5. Correspondence:
    • We received a DVD titled “The 11th Hour” from OVYM P&SC committee. A viewing time for this will be scheduled.
    • We received a survey from the Food Pantry. Local needs have more than doubled over the past 5 years. They are asking us to consider in what ways we could contribute.
  6. There will be an FGC conference “Out of the living silence” held at Bradford Woods, Aug 14-17, 2008. Meeting approved providing some financial assistance for someone who is interested in attending.
  7. Concerning the covenanting process for OVYM, if they need a number, we intend to continue contributing at the same level that we have been.
  8. Calendar of events was reviewed.
  9. The minutes were read and approved.
  10. Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Minutes from Monthly Meeting for Business, 4th month

The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Ten Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the fourth month and Friends reflected on how we keep simplicity in our lives.

Ministry and Oversight committee report: The State of the Meeting report was read for the second time and approved as read. A letter from a distant Friend was read requesting that her name be taken off the membership list of Clear Creek Monthly Meeting. After considering this request, M&O recommended accepting her resignation. Meeting approved this and the clerk will send a letter expressing our love and support and accepting her request. After being held over from last month, the membership of a new friend in Clear Creek Monthly Meeting was joyfully approved by the Meeting. A welcoming committee was formed. M&O is considering the question about using the phrase “messages that haven’t arisen to the level of vocal ministry” in the joys and concerns time after meeting. This is being considered in light of several questions that are arising regarding ministry issues in the Meeting and no decisions have been made yet.

The clerk read a letter from a distant Friend requesting a transfer of membership from Clear Creek to another meeting. This will be forwarded to M&O for their consideration.

The clerk brought a concern about items placed on the Wymondham room table, i.e., political bumper stickers and other items that might be viewed as an endorsement by the Meeting. This will also be forwarded to M&O for consideration of guidelines for items placed on the table.

Treasurer’s report: Combined income for the second and third months was $1732 and expenses were $2892.

Children’s Religious Education report: Today was CB’s last day with us as a childcare person. A presentation to honor her service is being planned for after meeting on the 20th. Meeting approved giving her a $50 gift from Meeting funds. Friends are also welcome to make additional contributions to increase that amount. Volunteers are still needed to be with the children in May.
Peace and Social Concerns committee report: Information and a DVD about cluster bombs is available, as well as others. A group showing will be scheduled after a future Meeting potluck.

FCNL report: They are having a great impact on Capitol Hill concerning green architecture after the completion of their new building. Friends are reminded that now is the time to be involved in political issues. Don’t wait for another time or assume someone else will do it.

OVYM Executive Committee: The clerk read a report of their last meeting, which included updates on Yearly Meeting sessions (now scheduled for July 30 to Aug 3) and issues related to the Yearly Meeting budget. They will want some numbers concerning what amount our Meeting is willing to covenant soon. This will be discussed at our May business meeting.

Correspondence: Friends Center in Philadelphia is asking for contributions toward a green redesign of their building. (pg.4, newsletter)

The minutes were read and approved.

Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.