Monday, November 10, 2008

Spiritual Nurture opportunities at Clear Creek

If you are interested in participating in any of the activities a - g listed below, please call Erica P. with your contact information or where specified contact the contact person specified for the group:

a) Spiritual Friendships: groups of 2 or 3 people meeting once every 2 – 3 weeks to share about what is going on in their lives, from a spiritual perspective.

b) Poetry and other writing as a spiritual practice: – meeting monthly, sharing briefly from our recent writing and reflecting on its impact in our spiritual journeys

c) Friendly Bible Study: meeting 2 – 3 times per month, reading 4-6 verses together, responding meditatively in writing to 5 questions, then speaking to them in a worship-sharing format. The questions addressed are:
• the author’s main point,
• new light we receive from the passage,
• the relationship of the passage to the truth of our experience,
• the passage’s implications for our lives, and
• questions or problems we have with the passage.
We will be beginning with the Letter of James. First meeting will be on
Sunday, Sept. 21, 12:30 p.m., Stout Meetinghouse

d) Mysticism, Practice, Etc. Group- In the process of being formed and defining its practice:

e) Women’s Spirituality Group- Meets monthly in participants’ homes. There is usually a brief check-in (how are we doing) followed by a discussion or experiential activity on topics such as play, poetry, childhood spiritual experiences, and personal heroines. These are suggested the month before by those attending.

f) Book Discussion Group – Meets monthly, usually on Sunday evening of Monthly Meeting, at Friends Fellowship Community Solarium Room. (Rides available from College Avenue). Participants pick the books for the next few months. Books have been non-fiction (Three Cups of Tea), poetry (Thirst by Mary Oliver), and fiction and science fiction (Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury). Contact Dan or Jan S.

g) Singing after Meeting – Friends gather around the piano in the Meeting Room and sing Friendly hymns from the hymnals stored in the hallway. Those participating suggest favorites they would like to sing that week. Contact Gwen H.

Open Arms Initiative

Below is an article on Open Arms, a faith-based resource sharing cooperative in Richmond. The article appeared in the Friendly Visitor, the newsletter of West Richmond Friends Meeting, and was written by their Pastor. Nancy F. is the Clear Creek representative to the Open Arms resource sharing cooperative.

“Something’s Happening. . .

About 6 or 8 months ago, I (Josh Brown) had a phone call from Wayne Copenhaver over at First Friends Meeting. Often when we get calls from people in the community who need help, Wayne and I work together to try to meet those needs.

Wayne shared a concern which I’ve felt for a long time – so many of the needs we hear about are too big for one congregation, or even for two or three congregations, to handle.

The requests are endless – for food, for emergency housing, for help with utility bills or prescriptions, for car repairs, for rides, for all of the things which everyone needs. As the economy has gotten tighter, churches and service organizations in our area have had record-breaking numbers of requests.

The other thing which we saw, is that poor people often spend dozens of hours trudging from one office to another, making phone calls on borrowed phones, being told at one place or another why they don’t qualify for this program or why the funds are all gone for that program.

Out of these two needs – the limited resources of churches, and the endless, discouraging search for help – something new is being born.
Wayne asked me to meet with representatives from other churches and service organizations, to see if we could set up some kind of a clearinghouse, where resources and needs can be brought together.

Several proposals of this kind have been tried and failed over the years. But we’ve met half a dozen times this summer and fall, and this time it looks as though we might just get things off the ground.

The clearinghouse is going to be called Open Arms – a name which suggests both the open arms of God’s love, and also that we want to welcome people with open arms, rather than turning them away.

The purpose statement of Open Arms says, “Open Arms Ministries is a faith-based coalition which provides a clearinghouse for ministries serving our area in the name of God, with the intent that needs are met and that lives are transformed.”

Open Arms will receive need requests either in person at an office in downtown Richmond or over the phone. Volunteers will check the validity of requests, and refer people to the appropriate place where they can receive help.

Our plan is to work with existing services, and not shut down any services which are meeting a need. We will encourage the formation of new ministries, while not duplicating services already provided by secular service organizations or government programs.

Each church or participating organization will have one representative on the board. Each church must also agree to support Open Arms financially or in kind, and help recruit volunteers to staff the clearinghouse. Volunteers will also come from places like the Earlham Volunteer Exchange, Retired Senior Volunteers Project, service clubs and organizations. Participating churches and organizations will provide and update an inventory of resources and services which it wants to make available through Open Arms.

In a major step, First Friends has agreed to pay the salary for a part-time coordinator for up to 2 years. The coordinator will supervise the recruitment and training of volunteers, oversee grant writing, maintain the database and report to an Executive Committee. We are looking for office space downtown, and the United Way has already donated computers for the office. You can expect to hear more about this exciting new project in months to come. Please pray for our success, and ask how you can help!

October Business Meeting highlights

1. The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Nine Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the tenth month and Friends reflected on the simplicity of silence.
2. Treasurer’s report: Income for the ninth month was $4000 and expenses were $1642.This income was sufficient for us to meet the budget this fiscal year. However, because the budget was tight, not all the money budgeted for donations to local organizations was sent. Now that we ended the year with a surplus, Meeting approved sending $850 to these organizations. The proposed budget for 2008/2009 was presented and discussed and some changes were made. A revised budget will be brought next month for final approval.
3. M&O report: A membership clearness committee for Joel R. has been appointed and will meet with him later this afternoon. The committee also recommended, and Meeting approved, having Marya B. combine her computer line with the Meeting phone line to save money. We received a letter from Jennie I. saying that she is requesting a membership transfer from Roanoke Monthly Meeting to Clear Creek Monthly Meeting.
4. Report on the joint Quarterly Meeting at Happy Hollow: Business items included subsidies for younger children to attend Joint Quarterly, as is already done for teens. Rex S. is stepping down as clerk of Whitewater Quarter. That position, as well as recording clerk and budget committee, need to be filled. Contact Gwen H. if you are interested in serving. There was also discussion of Irvington Friends Meeting’s request to consider the issue of inclusion of programmed Meetings in OVYM. There was a feeling that proper order was not followed in this process. It was recommended that Monthly Meetings consider this again and respond to Quarterly Meeting by the April gathering. Clear Creek will host Quarterly Meeting again on Oct 17, 2009. There was also discussion of the role of Quarterly Meeting in Friends process and we may want to revisit this issue.
5. Clerk presented a report concerning the Discipline Revision committee. We need to consider issues related to dual membership of Friends in more than one religious organization. This may also relate to the Irvington Friends issue.
6. Clerk reported on a project to revise a pamphlet on Quakers in Wayne County. We are being asked to contribute $200-300 toward the costs of printing and would receive 500 pamphlets. Meeting approved adding this cost to the Newsletter/brochure line in the proposed budget.
7. Newell P. reported on a proposed cabinet for the Wymondham room that could be used to store Meeting stuff. Meeting approved moving ahead with this to determine if it can be funded by the Earlham donor.
8. The minutes were read and approved.
9. Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.

September Business Meeting Highlights

1. The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Fourteen Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the ninth month and Friends reflected on how we conduct our Meetings for Business.
2. Treasurer’s report: Income for the eighth month was $941 and expenses were $306. The end of our fiscal year is the end of this month. Donations of about $3000 are needed in order to meet our budget for this year.
3. M&O: We received a membership transfer letter for Jane S. from Adelphi Monthly Meeting to Clear Creek Monthly Meeting. M&O recommended accepting this transfer and Meeting enthusiastically approved it. A welcoming committee was formed. The committee also discussed issues related to remodeling of the Quiet room. The primary issue is creation of a locked storage cabinet in the Wymondham room for Meeting stuff. Ideas were discussed for this design and Meeting approved having M&O move forward with these plans.
4. Rereading of the intentionality proposal that was brought 2 months ago: Since then we have had a large number of student attenders and several new interest groups are forming. We want to maintain this new energy and not become complacent. We will make this a regular agenda item for business meeting each month so we can check in with what is happening.
5. The Clerk read a letter from Joel R. requesting membership in the Meeting. This will be forwarded to M&O for further consideration.
6. Children’s Religious Education committee report: First day school started last week and is off to a good start. A new child care person has been hired. The convener also reported on the FGC Religious Educators conference that she attended last month. It was an enjoyable and educational experience. She learned about a new style of religious education called “Faith and Play” as well as “Quaker Quest” and various other things.
7. Report on the Dayton Peace festival on Sept 21st, 1-6 pm at Courthouse Square in Dayton, as well as other activities through the Dayton Peace Museum.
8. Report presented on a resource sharing coalition that is being developed among local churches. The idea is to share resources such as food pantries, benevolent funds, etc. Meeting approved supporting this effort and their mission statement.
9. We received an offer from a community member to lead workshops or worship sharing on earthcare issues. Peace and Social concerns will contact College Meeting and the Richmond Church of the Brethren concerning scheduling an event.
10. The minutes were read and approved.
11. Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.

Query for October

From the OVYM Book Of Discipline:

Do you endeavor to live in harmony with nature, avoiding pollution and the destruction of our environment? What are you doing about your use of the world’s irreplaceable resources? Are you concerned for family and population planning so that future generations will be able to live on the resources available to them?

It is urged that Friends be watchful to keep themselves free from self-indulgent habits, luxurious ways of living, and the bondage of fashion. This freedom is the first condition of vigor in all kinds of efforts, whether spiritual, intellectual or physical.
Undue luxury often creates a false sense of security, causes unnecessary burdens upon both ourselves and others, and leads to the neglect of the spiritual life.
By observing and encouraging simple tastes in apparel, furniture, buildings and manner of living, we help to do away with unwholesome rivalry. True simplicity consists not in the use of particular forms, but in foregoing overindulgence, in maintaining humility of spirit, and in keeping the material surroundings of our lives directly serviceable to necessary ends, even though these surroundings may properly be characterized by grace, symmetry and beauty.

Technical glitches

Due to a hard-drive crash last month, the September issue of the newsletter did not get out, so I have been unable to post its contents to this blog. We will post the minutes from Business Meeting for September, and then resume regular posting with October's newsletter. Thanks for your understanding!
Todd Vandenbark
Assistant Newsletter Editor & computer geek

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Query for August

Do you encourage and support the educational activities of Friends? Are you interested in the schools of your community and concerned to establish practices in these consistent with the values you cherish as Friends? What efforts are you making to increase your understanding of your Quaker and other religious heritages and their relation to other religions?

Swing Semester is in full swing

Satya Stark-Benjar is participating once again in the presidential election year effort by college students and other young people to make a difference by working for progressive efforts for a ten week program. Participants are matched with progressive city resident hosts in swing states. To find out more and to donate online go to . You may also mail a check to “Swing Semester” at 1133 19th Street, NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036. Satya asks us to consider sending our stimulus rebate checks to support this historic political immersion program initiated by young people.

New Clear Creek website and domain

Clear Creek Friends Meeting now has its own website and domain name.

Check it out at:

Feedback is encouraged, and can be sent to webmaster AT clearcreekfriends DOT org.

The Ebb and Flow of Attendees

The following was brought to Meeting for Business by Ministry and Oversight (M&O). It grew out of concerns brought to M&O and discussions in M&O about those concerns. It was brought to Monthly Meeting for Business asking for it to be considered as a recommendation, and requesting feedback and direction. It will be considered again at August Monthly Meeting for Business, to determine if we feel we have the desire, energy, and commitment to move forward. Friends are asked to forward any thoughts about this to M&O prior to next Monthly Meeting for Business.

There have been concerns raised about the ebb and flow of attenders, the lack of welcome that new attenders sometimes feel, and the lack of children and young families. New and younger attenders bring energy, but it takes work to foster them. Clear Creek members sometimes feel overwhelmed by the needs of the many occasional attenders, and that can make it hard to be welcoming.
Without being welcoming, we are unlikely to see our numbers grow. We have often had the attitude that people will find us, and if we are right for them, they will stay. However, we have seen many just drift away. We have not been able to meet their spiritual needs.

M&O raised the question: what would it take to increase our numbers?

Many ideas came forth. We may have an opportunity to change meeting time and have use of the meetinghouse for longer on Firstday if College Meeting changes its time (a current possibility). That would open the possibility for meals after meeting, and the possibility of speakers that draw a wider audience.
What would happen if we approached this with intentionality as a meeting? Without expecting the burden to fall on a few members or committees, but if the meeting as a whole decided to try to grow? If we took a semester, or a school year, and made a commitment to try to grow? If we invited new faculty to meeting (as West Richmond does), if we invited friends and acquaintances to come to meeting with us (as many churches do)?

We bring this as a recommendation for consideration and as a request for input and commitment from the meeting.

Religion and the Media : Topics of Scholarly Meetings in Iran

On their recent trip to Iran, Sam & Ruth Neff stayed with Seyyed Hoseinni, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcast University (IRIBU). The Neffs are encouraging Americans to consider participating in two scholarly meetings, listed below, to be held at IRIBU this November. There is NO fee for registration or accommodations; participants need only pay travel costs.

1. The Second International Conference on Religion and the Media, November 9-12, 2008, Tehran & Qom, Iran. Steve Angell of ESR has had a paper accepted for this conference.

2. The First Students Workshop on Peace, Religion and Media, November 9-22, 2008, Tehran, Qom and Caspian Sea Beach, Iran

For more information visit the web sites: and Or contact Sam and Ruth Neff (samn AT earlham DOT edu).

Needed: Host Families For Foreign Exchange Students

The Pax Program is seeking host families for academic exchange students in Richmond, IN for the coming school year. Host families provide a bed, a place to study and a place at the family table, and can be of any size and age range. (Retirees often work especially well.) Within the next weeks there are several youngsters who need at least a temporary "welcome" family assigned to them, pending a more permanent placement. These students come with at least 3 years of English, and are highly motivated to learn about life in the U.S. and share their own cultures with us. Most will be in the U.S. for a full school year although a few are one-semester students. The most urgent needs are:

1. Duke from Thailand, who is a straight ‘A’ student, plays the piano and loves tennis and golf.
2. Miriam from Germany, who is a lively musical girl who plays several instruments and comes from an artistic family. (She has allergies to cat hair, which has been a hurdle for us.)
3. Ricardo from Spain, who loves soccer, but also reads science fiction and hopes for a family with warm hearts.
4. Hyun Joon, a boy from South Korea with passions for chess and soccer.

These students come with health insurance, and money for their own incidental expenses. Please contact Palline Plum 765-598-4902 or the Pax agency office at 800-555-6211.

The Faith-Based Resource Sharing Collaborative Of Richmond

On June 12th representatives from 18 local Richmond churches met at the Townsend center to discuss the possibility of creating a Central Referral Office for faith-based community services. Wayne Copenhaver and Les Williams of First Friends Meeting are the principal organizers of this initiative. A major issue which the Collaborative wishes to address is the duplication of services provided by different faith-based community members. For example there are 17 food providers in the Richmond community, each of which currently maintains its own data base of needy families. One centrally located data base might free up resources for additional food for the hungry.

Clear Creek was invited to attend a meeting of the collaborative on July 15th and was represented by four Friends. A Development Committee was formed to create the coalition’s infrastructure. Subcommittees were listed and people were encouraged to signup for one or more subcommittees. The subcommittees are listed below. If you are interested in participating in the coalition or would like additional information, please contact Wayne Copenhaver (firstfm AT comcast DOT net), Les Williams (les DOT williams AT comcast DOT net) or Jim Sizelove (jim DOT size AT comcast DOT net). The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting place is yet to be determined.

July Business Meeting Highlights

The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Seventeen Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the seventh month and Friends reflected on our responsibility as members to nurture the life of the Meeting.

The treasurer reported that contributions were slightly above expenses, and that the OVYM assessment contributions are now complete for this year.

The Ministry and Oversight committee reported that they have developed a set of guidelines for what should be put out on the Wymondham room table. After some discussion, the guidelines were approved as written. They also presented a recommendation that the Meeting make an intentional commitment to extend our outreach to new members. The discussion of this included the following thoughts; the need to outreach to students, that we not focus just on numbers but rather on strengthening the spiritual life of the Meeting, that we don’t lose or ignore the strengths we already have, that small groups are a good way to make new people feel at home, that students also bring many gifts to the Meeting, and the question whether this would be a good topic for a fall retreat? This will be held over for further consideration next month.

The Children’s religious education committee reported that they have ordered a bunch of materials but has not settled on a curriculum for next year. Input is welcome. Volunteers will also be needed to work with the children this year. One Friend will be going to the FCG Religious Educators institute at Bradford Woods in August.

Two Friends who attended the FGC gathering reported on it. Susan Stark did a mini-concert. They enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and learning about a wide range of issues through presentations (including water rights and the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s talk to FGC) as well as dancing and other social activities.

Our meeting’s representative to the FCNL reported that this is a year of major changes in government. Please keep in mind important issues when you vote.

The minutes were read and approved.
Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Call for greeters

Greeters Needed!!
Friends, we need volunteers to act as greeters prior to Meeting on the following Sundays:
  • May 25
  • June 1
  • June 8
  • June 15
Please contact the Hospitality Coordinator (Mary G.) if you can help. Thanks!

Minutes from Monthly Meeting for Business, 5th month

  1. The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Eleven Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the fifth month and Friends reflected on how our daily activities affect our openness to the spirit and how we can encourage others to reach their full potential talents.
  2. Treasurer’s report: Income for the fourth month was $1215 and expenses were $1762. Donations of $172 to the Food Pantry were forwarded to them. Income continues to lag behind the amount needed to meet monthly expenses.
  3. Ministry and Oversight committee report: The committee has considered the request for transfer of membership for one member from Clear Creek Monthly Meeting to Amesbury Friends Meeting, and recommends accepting this request. Meeting approved this transfer. A memorial minute for Cecile Holvik was read and approved as written. M&O also continues to reflect on the transition time after worship as well as guidelines for greeters and what is appropriate to put out on the Wymondham room table.
  4. Website: Todd Vandenbark reported that a draft website for the Meeting is ready. He needs input on what the Meeting wants to do with this. Considerations include where we want to host this?, do we want to buy a domain name?, do we want to set up a blog?, should the site design be kept simple for easier access by the blind?, privacy issues? Meeting approved having Todd register a domain name once the website is complete. This will cost $10/year.
  5. Correspondence:
    • We received a DVD titled “The 11th Hour” from OVYM P&SC committee. A viewing time for this will be scheduled.
    • We received a survey from the Food Pantry. Local needs have more than doubled over the past 5 years. They are asking us to consider in what ways we could contribute.
  6. There will be an FGC conference “Out of the living silence” held at Bradford Woods, Aug 14-17, 2008. Meeting approved providing some financial assistance for someone who is interested in attending.
  7. Concerning the covenanting process for OVYM, if they need a number, we intend to continue contributing at the same level that we have been.
  8. Calendar of events was reviewed.
  9. The minutes were read and approved.
  10. Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Minutes from Monthly Meeting for Business, 4th month

The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. Ten Friends were present. The clerk read the Queries for the fourth month and Friends reflected on how we keep simplicity in our lives.

Ministry and Oversight committee report: The State of the Meeting report was read for the second time and approved as read. A letter from a distant Friend was read requesting that her name be taken off the membership list of Clear Creek Monthly Meeting. After considering this request, M&O recommended accepting her resignation. Meeting approved this and the clerk will send a letter expressing our love and support and accepting her request. After being held over from last month, the membership of a new friend in Clear Creek Monthly Meeting was joyfully approved by the Meeting. A welcoming committee was formed. M&O is considering the question about using the phrase “messages that haven’t arisen to the level of vocal ministry” in the joys and concerns time after meeting. This is being considered in light of several questions that are arising regarding ministry issues in the Meeting and no decisions have been made yet.

The clerk read a letter from a distant Friend requesting a transfer of membership from Clear Creek to another meeting. This will be forwarded to M&O for their consideration.

The clerk brought a concern about items placed on the Wymondham room table, i.e., political bumper stickers and other items that might be viewed as an endorsement by the Meeting. This will also be forwarded to M&O for consideration of guidelines for items placed on the table.

Treasurer’s report: Combined income for the second and third months was $1732 and expenses were $2892.

Children’s Religious Education report: Today was CB’s last day with us as a childcare person. A presentation to honor her service is being planned for after meeting on the 20th. Meeting approved giving her a $50 gift from Meeting funds. Friends are also welcome to make additional contributions to increase that amount. Volunteers are still needed to be with the children in May.
Peace and Social Concerns committee report: Information and a DVD about cluster bombs is available, as well as others. A group showing will be scheduled after a future Meeting potluck.

FCNL report: They are having a great impact on Capitol Hill concerning green architecture after the completion of their new building. Friends are reminded that now is the time to be involved in political issues. Don’t wait for another time or assume someone else will do it.

OVYM Executive Committee: The clerk read a report of their last meeting, which included updates on Yearly Meeting sessions (now scheduled for July 30 to Aug 3) and issues related to the Yearly Meeting budget. They will want some numbers concerning what amount our Meeting is willing to covenant soon. This will be discussed at our May business meeting.

Correspondence: Friends Center in Philadelphia is asking for contributions toward a green redesign of their building. (pg.4, newsletter)

The minutes were read and approved.

Meeting closed with a brief period of waiting worship.